Scaling & Root Planing

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Scaling & Root Planing
in Firestone, CO

Are you tired of feeling like your gums are constantly in pain or that they don’t look as healthy and vibrant as they could be? If so, it’s time to consider laser therapy in conjunction with scaling and root planing in Firestone, CO. Dr. Kari Amick and Dr. Meredith Burns of Inspire Dental offer this straightforward procedure to make a massive difference for both the look and feel of your gums – not to mention improving your overall health.

Scaling & Root Planing Defined

Scaling and root planing are forms of deep cleaning for the gums that involve removing plaque and tartar buildup from below the gum line as well as smoothing out the tooth roots so that plaque has a more challenging time sticking to teeth in the future. Typically, this procedure is recommended for patients who have early signs of gum disease, including swollen and bleeding gums.

The First Step to Healthier Gums

If you’re dealing with gingivitis, periodontal disease, or bad breath, scaling and root planing could be the solution you’ve been searching for. Often, this deep cleaning procedure is a crucial first step to achieving healthier gums and fresher breath.

By addressing gum disease in its early stages with scaling and root planing, you can manage gum disease and prevent more serious oral health issues down the road. Plus, scaling and root planing can effectively reverse gingivitis—the only reversible stage of gum disease. By clearing away any harmful bacteria, scaling and root planing can help prevent further damage to teeth and gums, ultimately improving overall health.

How Dental Deep Cleaning Works

If you’re experiencing periodontal disease or want to prevent it from exacerbating, one treatment our Firestone dentists may offer is scaling and root planing. Although the thought of a deep cleaning may seem daunting, the process is comfortable and can be completed in one or two visits to the dentist. This dental deep cleaning process involves the removal of plaque and tartar, as well as smoothing out rough spots on the root surface of the tooth. It’s an effective way to improve gum health and prevent further damage.

But what sets our hygienists at Inspire Dental apart is their use of the Biolase™ Diode Laser for bacterial decontamination. This cutting-edge technology can be used during scaling and root planing or for patients who have active gum inflammation. With proven results, it’s a powerful tool our team uses to give you the best possible outcome for your gum health.

Schedule Scaling & Root Planing in Firestone, CO

By taking proactive steps toward gum health, patients can feel confident in their smiles and overall well-being. At Inspired Dental, our experienced and supportive team is here to help you take care of your teeth and gums as well as provide:

Discover the Inspire Dental difference. Book scaling and root planing in Firestone, CO, if you’re experiencing bleeding gums, redness, and other signs of gum disease.